Packing Tips

A1 Packers and Movers, disclosing some important packing tips for all of us:

1) Washing Machines Packing Tips

Secure spring-mounted motors.

Brace the tub to prevent damage.

Wedge special tub inserts in the space between the tub and sidewalls.

Disconnect hoses and put them in tightly sealed sandwich bags inside the machine’s tub.

2) Lamp Shades packing tips

Whenever possible, pack lamp shades two or three to a box.

Use plain, white wrapping paper (not newspaper) as a protective lining between each shade.

Don’t pack anything else with lampshades.

Write & QUOTFRAGILE” on the sides of the carton

3) Refrigerators and Freezers Packing Tips

Defrost, dry and load refrigerator in upright position, using it’s inside space for bulky, lightweight goods such as large stuffed toys or pillows.

Before laying refrigerator down for a move, check with its manufacturer. Most brands can be moved on their sides.

Do not connect the appliance in your new home until the unit has stood upright for at least 24 hours

4) Home Electronics Packing Tips

Wrap small equipment in plenty of foam padding, pack them in a box and load it on top of a soft item, such as a sofa.

5) Clothing Packing Tips

Clothes on hangers are best moved in a special closet carton.

Never move clothes in garment bags. Garment bags can’t stand up to the stress of moving.

Leave clothes in dressers, but make sure that the drawers are not too heavy – if a drawer is too heave, it may be damaged during the trip.

6) Beds Packing Tips

our special Packing will keep mattresses and box springs fresh and clean.

7) Books Packing Tips

Small boxes are the perfect size for books.

Pack books flat so that the spines won’t break, and don’t jam them in tightly.

Never pack fragile items with books.

8) Tables Packing Tips

Remove legs from all tables and loads the flat surfaces on edge. If this can’t do, load tables on their top surfaces, legs up, taking care to protect the finish with blankets or padding.

9) Chest of Drawers, Desks, Packing Tips

Pack drawers full but make sure that breakable items are well Padded.

To prevent drawers from opening, place the unit up against the truck or trailer wall, or against a flat surface such as a mattress.

10) Dishes Packing Tips

Line the bottom of a dish pack with several layers of wrapping paper for extra cushioning.

Place one plate in the center of the sheets of paper and pull a few sheets over it.

Stack the next plate on top and pull another sheets of paper over to cover the stacked plates.

11) Small Kitchen Appliances Packing Tips

Small items such as blenders and coffee makers should be packed together.

Wrap each appliance separately with two or three sheets of wrapping paper and place it in the box.

Fill empty spaces with paper or use the space of other, lighter items.

12) Cups and Glasses Packing Tips

Cups and glasses may be nested (place inside each other), with three layers of wrapping paper between each glass and cup as a protective lining.

Place one glass/cup inside another, wrap each with two more sheets of paper then insert another glass/cup. Finally, wrap the bundle with a large sheet of paper.

Pack these nested bundles in boxes with dividers. Or box filled with paper cutting.

If a bundle doesn’t reach the top of the box, stuff additional packing paper in the compartment to fill it up.

Wrap and pack goblets and stemware singly, do not nest them

13) Pots, Pans and Large bowls Packing Tips

Three pots, pans or bowls usually can be nested one inside the other, like cups and glasses.

14) Picture and Mirrors Packing Tips

Select a box that, when open, is larger than your picture.

Open the bottom of the carton, then flatten it out. Seal one of the open sides with tape. Lay the picture of mirror face down on several sheets of packing paper, then fold over the edges of the paper and seal them with tape. Slide the picture or mirror into the unsealed side of your carton and seal the carton’s end with tape.

Mark these boxes & QUOTGLASS” and load them on end.

15) Table Lamps Packing Tips

Take a large box and line the bottom with wadded-up wrapping paper for extra protection.

Remove the lampshade and bulb, and wrap the cord around the base of the lamp.

Wrap packing paper around the lamp, tuck this paper in at the base, and tape all seams around the bundle where the paper overlaps. Place the lamp in the lined carton.

If you have several tall table lamps, place them in the carton so the base of one lamp is facing the top of the next.

When a box is packed with lamps, fill it up with plenty of paper.